Mint Home Makeover

A couple months ago, I moved into a beautiful loft in downtown Dallas:

My un-Instagramed rooftop view.

Carving out my own space in a large, open loft with roommates takes some creativity (read: a lot of time on Pinterest). But some curtains and artwork later, I still felt like something was missing…An average wooden table, way too many trips to Hobby Lobby and some mint paint later I had this:

To save money, I used acrylic paint, which you can usually find on sale for around a dollar. Since I couldn’t find the mint color I was hoping for, I ended up mixing a bottle of Tiffany blue with two pale seafoam greens…and even had a bottle’s worth left over that I used on these picture frames and can save for touch-ups! While scouring the craft store aisles, I also came across a tube of chalkboard paint that became the perfect top coat:

Voila. It makes me so proud to look over every day and be able to say — I did that!

[Photo Disclaimer: My phone decided to cool off one hot, Texas afternoon…in a pool. The camera quality has never been the same. 😦 I apologize and hope you’re inspired by my uncraftiness-turned-craftiness to start – and finish – a project of your own!]